Mr X
Dear Sir,
RE: YOUR OUTSTANDING DEBT OF KSH. 425,500 for Rent of Aprtment A5
Given the rental agreement between yourself as a tenant and myself as landlord. There is an agreed monthly rental amount to be paid of 200,000/=. Further that this amount should be cleared by the 5th, at the beginning of the month. As per the agreement it was also agreed that late payment attracts a daily penalty of 500/=.
We do currently find ourselves in a position whereby you have occupied the premises however have not cleared rent owed for a period of over 2 months.
Arrears and penalties-
January 2021- 200,000/= February 2021- 200,000/= Penalties Sum- 26+23 days=24,500/= Total- 424,500/=
There have been several verbal requests for rent to be cleared however following due and proper legal procedure, this letter serves as an official demand for rent to be cleared.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that failure to comply, I shall have to take appropriate legal action against you at your sole risk as to costs and other incidentals thereto in the event foretasted amount is not receipted by myself within such period then we will commence appropriate recovery proceedings against you. This will be done without any further recourse to you and will be at your own costs and peril.
Yours faithfully,
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